Sunday, September 21, 2008

Weekend : Playdium ^^

Wad started to be a boring weekend.. all the Big adults went out to work.. n some went out to banks n stuff.. left me, my cousin Li-anne and Michelle( a family friend)... wake up.. brush teeth.. went down.. gor bored.. saw the piano.. n guess wad... i spend like 2-3 hours on it..

look yeng rite?? keke... i cant play the piano..=.=

So.. the kids woke up.. join me for piano a while *gave me lessons* then found out we have no lunch n so i decided to take them to BestBuy to get some stuff n lunch at the same time...

soo here we go getting ready to hit the road.. we're going to walk btw.. but its just like 10mins away..

and then we were walking towards the mall then something came to me so i asked weather they wanted to go to the arcades.. its call the Playdium! (something like genting indoor park). Then Li-anne got excited n Michelle dont know where it was..

n ended up going to the bus stop instead ^^

got some drinks before that ^^

So off we go to the bus.. heading towards SquareOne.. 20mins bus ride and we're there...


and so we went in.. got tickets ( i belanja them =.=) n off we go finding games to play...

got few jackpots.. earns loqts of tickets..

So Li-anne is bad in Basketball...
but i was okay in it.. ^^

Played football as well.. not so good at it... Li-anne made that shoot =.=

Ouu.. i got first in Daytona againts some strangers.. yeah.. ^^

so after collecting tickets.. its time for redemption ^^ but we have to count the tickets we have first... so off we go to the ticket eater machines ^^

And amazingly... this is the total amount of tickets we won !!
1977 tickets
lolz.. pretty amazing rite? haha... gamers!

got the toys.. change some balls n off we go to squareone for lunch.. then before going home we stoped at BestBuy to do some shopping ^^

Lets see wad plan we got for next weekend ^^

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